How to make a plank for weight loss: tips and tricks for beginners

If you want to pump up the pressure, strengthen the main muscles of the core, tighten the stomach, make it flat, strengthen the shoulder and gluteal muscles, then the plank will help you.

Is it hard to believe that one exercise a day can improve your strength, image, mood and more? But it's true! This posture has many positive effects on your body. While this may not be the easiest exercise to do, doing it regularly will give you lifelong benefits.

In yoga, the plank position or Phalakasana position is to develop strength, as it stretches all the large muscles of the torso, as well as the shoulders, strengthens the neck, back muscles, buttocks and quadriceps and abdomen. The beam is also known as an isometric position. It contracts the muscles and forces them to hold one predetermined position. You stand at the bar and your body works.

This is the most popular exercise in all fitness programs and it does not require machines, equipment, weights and exercise. All you need is your body, desire and perseverance, and you can do it even at home!

The bar will help speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation and the exercise is suitable for everyone: both beginners and advanced, both men and women. You will find this exercise in yoga, Pilates, stretching, bodybuilding.

A simple stationary exercise just seems to be so. After standing at the bar for a minute, you will realize that time does not fly so fast. That said, the world record is 8 hours, 1 minute and 1 second for men. Women's record - 3 hours 31 min. So you have something to aim for. Now about everything in order.

Useful properties of the bar for health and weight loss

Benefits of planks for health and weight loss

Exercise not only tenses the muscles but also has a preventive and curative effect against certain diseases. The effect is ensured by the systematic execution of the exercise. The beam is capable of:

  • prevent and eliminate the first symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervix and lumbar spine;
  • significantly improve posture;
  • relieve back pain;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • burn calories.

Note that the last two items indicate that this exercise promotes weight loss.

Which muscles work

which muscles work when plank

During the normal (classical) bar, work the following muscles:

  • Rectus and transverse abdominal muscles;
  • Biceps, triceps, deltoid;
  • Paravertebral muscles of the lumbar spine;
  • Biceps, quadriceps thighs and calves;
  • muscles in the buttocks;
  • Muscles in the back and chest.

Useful properties

  1. Strengthens the muscles in the torso. When you are trying to build core strength, this position is most useful because it targets all the muscle groups in the abdomen. . . and you thought it was just abdominal cavities? The plank not only works the abdominal cavity, but also the stability muscles, as well as the lateral muscles, which are responsible for the position of the hips and spinal muscles.
  2. Muscles become more prominent. The plank also loads the muscles in the shoulders, chest, legs and back. They will grow too. The function of this position, together with isometric tension, helps the muscles throughout the body to "dry out" and become more prominent.
  3. Accelerates metabolism. Muscle strength and mass, which increases with proper exercise, has another great feature, as well as increased strength and a good figure - faster metabolism! When you increase muscle mass, you speed up your metabolism at rest, which allows you to burn more calories.
  4. Prevents back pain. As your abdominal muscles get stronger, your body needs to rely less on using your back muscles to maintain your posture. The back muscles are now replaced by the muscles of the torso, which are used in all exercises and work, which reduces the risk of back pain.
  5. Your body position improves. Improving posture is most often achieved by strengthening the health and strength of the muscles in the back and torso. When lifting the plank, work your back, neck, shoulder muscles and abdominal muscles to keep your body organic.
  6. Improved coordination. Isometric posture stimulates improved coordination and balance in general. If you learn how to perform the plank skillfully, you will also be able to maintain an upright position more efficiently and consistently.
  7. Improves joint and bone health. The plank allows you to exercise with heavy weights at the same time as you reduce the unpleasant and negative effects that come with exercises such as running and jumping. When you stand in this position, a new living bone is formed that helps to build healthier and stronger bones. Physical exertion during exercise also improves blood circulation in the joints and makes them more mobile. Reduces friction.
  8. Improves mood and reduces stress. Performing the plank, like any other exercise, promotes the release of the neurochemically active compound endorphin. Endorphins improve mood and create a feeling of joy and also help relieve stress. This position can also relieve tension as the body is given the opportunity to stretch when you do this exercise.

Given the number of pluses from its implementation, it is not difficult to understand why it is so popular.

Whether you are a beginner or just adding a minute to your time in this position, remember that quality is always more important than quantity or length. As soon as your posture begins to "fall apart", you should stop, take a break and try again in the next set or day.

Proper construction technology

proper planking technology

The algorithm for performing the movement is very simple, but nonetheless, pay attention to the little things, learn how to stand correctly in the bar, skilled technique is the key to success.

  • Lie on your stomach. Place your elbows on the floor at shoulder height. Place your forearms on the floor. Curved arms should form a 90 degree angle. Straighten your legs and now lean on your toes and forearms. You can put your legs together or spread your hips apart. Make sure your elbows are under your shoulders.
  • Tighten and straighten your whole body. Your body from head to toe should be in a straight line.
  • Do not bend the spine, do not raise the pelvis;
  • Tighten the pressure;
  • Breathing is even and calm.

There are many types of this exercise. But if you master the technique of performing the classic plank, then there will be no problems with other options.

Common mistakes

  • Lift the pelvis above the height of the head. The position of the bar itself is broken. What does this lead to? These are the most common mistakes. People are often tempted to lift their hips because it will allow them to hold their position longer. The problem is that when you lift your hips, most of the load falls on your shoulders and the posture loses its meaning. These mistakes lead to the development of pain in the shoulders and back. Keep your hips in a straight line between your heels and shoulders.
  • Bending in the cervical region. Overloaded neck muscles. When performing, the neck should be kept in a neutral position - the head should not fall down or rise higher. Imagine that both the head and the neck are part of a straight line formed by the rest of the body. When your neck is not in this line and your head is down or up, you are more likely to notice pain in your upper back or neck.
  • Lift your elbows to the side, connect your fingers to the lock and lower your head below the desired level. As a result, the shoulders are less involved and blood flows to the head. Holding your hands on each other will reduce the effectiveness of the pose. When the hands hold each other, the abdominal muscles work less. Always keep your arms apart, stretching them in a straight line from your elbows, keeping your hands on the floor.
  • Bend in the lower back. If you continue to stand in this position with such an error, you may have problems with your lower back. When you bend your back, the weight of the body stops loading the muscles, instead the vertebrae and the connections between them hold the load. These mistakes lead to low back pain. Correct the error by turning the pelvis slightly. This will make your back straight. It is also useful to tighten the buttocks.
  • The hips are too low. If your hips go too low, then all the weight of the body will rest on the lower vertebrae, although the muscles in the torso should work. It seems that it is easier to lean on the back than on the muscles, but then the exercise loses meaning.
  • A round back is a sign that your shoulders are crooked. People sometimes make these mistakes to make up for a weak body. The mistake makes it difficult for people with weak bodies to maintain their posture due to excessive tension in the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders. To correct this error, move your shoulders down, away from your ears. The trapezius muscles and the muscles in the middle back (muscles in the upper back) should be tightened to prevent the back from rotating.

Tips for beginners

board for beginners

Perform the exercise on a yoga mat or towel so that the hard floor does not cause discomfort in the elbows. Before you start exercising, warm up by stretching or doing some simple exercises for three minutes. For the first few days, stand at the bar for only 20 seconds. This is enough for beginners. For ease of exercise, place your legs hip-width apart.

If you are not quite sure in this position, do so from the knee.

After a few days, when the muscles become stronger, twist the bar from the knee by straightening one leg and holding it in weight. Stay like this for 30 seconds, then change legs. After the exercise, we recommend taking the balasana - a child's posture. This will relieve tension and relax the core muscles.

The rod can be made frequently

Definitely yes. During the bleeding you can do various things, especially sports. Some young ladies may use critical days as an excuse not to study, but to lie on the couch, leaf through the glaze, afford a few cakes. But you will not do that. If you have a tragic decrease in strength and mood during this period, then it is better to slow down with training. And if the important days are not so important to you, then fight for your health.

How long do you have to stand on the bar to lose weight?

how long do you need to plank to lose weight

Not sure how long to maintain a plank position? Hold until you have difficulty maintaining proper technique, or hold it until you feel your muscles begin to ache and your body begins to tremble - then hold for another 5-10 seconds.

If this is the first time you are in this position and you find yourself easily standing for 1 minute, congratulations. You are in good physical condition. But if you are completely new to the sport, you can start with 10 seconds, doing five repetitions a day. After a while, when the muscles get stronger, do 4 rounds in 30 seconds, each time the length of the exercise is about 1 second.

Remember, the key is technology. It is better to stand for 20 seconds with perfect form than 40 seconds with your lower back bent.

Plan every day, but rest one day a week.

But you need to understand that everything depends on the capabilities of the body. When you start training and evaluating your strength, you will be able to choose the best option and time and you will stand in this position with health benefits and pleasure.

When it's better to make the bar for weight loss is up to you. After all, it's good because it needs nothing but your body and a little space. Exercise can be performed in the morning, in the evening and during the day, but you should not do it immediately after eating and just before bedtime.

How to stay longer in the plank

how to stay longer in plank

Regular training allows you to stay longer in the bar and technically speaking. But other things are also important:

  • Comfortable shoes and clothes. Make yourself comfortable in this sense. You should not be disturbed by the cutting edge on the top or slippery sneakers.
  • A soft enough mat or towel to allow you to stay in position longer. After all, pain from a hard floor, felt in the elbow, can cause you to give up in advance.
  • Ventilated room. You need oxygen.
  • Turn on the music.
  • Keep quiet, turn off your phone, take care not to be disturbed.
  • Encourage you spiritually. Words: "My body is working, my muscles are getting stronger, I'm getting prettier! " Work great.
  • Preheat before a workout.
  • Use a stopwatch. When you see the number of seconds increase, it encourages.

Popular plank options: technology, nuances and differences


classic plank for weight loss

You should lean on your toes and forearms. The arms are bent at the elbows at a 90 degree angle, the forearms are parallel to each other. Your body from head to toe is a straight line. Tighten your buttocks and leg muscles. Do not lower your pelvis, do not lift or lower your head. Breathing is even.

Full or straight arms

straight arm plank

Straighten your arms and lift your hips, keeping your hands on the floor. This plank may even seem easier to some people with a developed upper body. This variety will make your shoulders more stable than the classic. The fingers should be wide apart and the middle finger should point straight ahead. Turn the inner part of the elbow forward to connect the biceps.


side plank for weight loss

Lie on your right side, placing your feet on top of each other. Place your lower right elbow directly under your right shoulder and lift your thigh off the floor to create a straight line. You should feel tension in the waist area. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling or place it on your left thigh. Hold this position for a few seconds, then repeat the same with the left side of the body. If you feel like one side of your body is stronger than the other, keep doing the same number of repetitions on each side to make them equally strong.

Sides with foot lift

side plank with leg elevation

When you can hold the side plank for one minute, you can try this variant. Stand in a side plank position and hold the position, lift the upper leg a few inches off the floor, then tense the muscles, control the movement of the leg, lower it again. Do 10 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.

Lateral with lowering of the hips

Stand on a side plank, lower your pelvis down without touching the floor, then return to your starting position. What gives? Increased load on the sloping slope.

Full leg lift

full plank with leg raises

Start in full plank position, rest your hands on the floor and keep your hips and abdomen tight. Lift one leg up, squeeze your butt. Hold your leg in the air for a few seconds, then move to the other leg and do the same. It is not necessary to raise your legs very high, it is important to stretch them away from you. Do 10 repetitions with each leg.


reverse bar for weight loss

Sit on the floor. Put your hands on the floor, take them back a little. Lift the pelvis. The palms should be strictly under the shoulders. Operator on palms and heels. Tighten the body, it should form a straight line.

On fitball

plank for weight loss on fitball

We perform the classic plank but lift our legs with the help of a fit ball. The ball is under your feet.

Army or powerful

Start in the basic position of planks with your forearms on the floor. Now, push first with your right hand, then with your left, go to full plank position. After that, lower yourself back to the basic position and start again on the right side. Do 10 reps on each side - 10 reps on the right, then 10 reps on the left.

Rock climber or kneecap

plank knee pull

Start in full plank position, then tighten the abdominal muscles and pull the right knee towards the chest using the lower abdominal muscles. Return the right leg to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the left leg. Continue to repeat the exercise with both knees 20-30 times. You can do it fast or slow, the main thing is the right technology, because it is more important than speed.

With shoulder contact alternately

plank with alternating shoulder contact

Start in full plank position, keeping your hips as steady as possible. Reach with your right hand to the left shoulder. Return your right hand to its original position, then touch your right shoulder with your left hand. Keep repeating this exercise 20-30 times.

But now, when you know a lot more about the bar than before, you ask, how many kilos can you lose with the help of exercise? Maybe the answer will disappoint you, but if you do not create a calorie deficit in your diet, even this 30 day fat burning program will not help you lose weight. It will help to strengthen the muscles, make them stronger. If you want to lose weight, start burning more calories than you consume. A simple math rule works to lose weight: if more has been lost than lost, all the excess goes into body fat. I wish we could learn how to save money as your body stores fat! Execute the plank by combining it with the following tips:

Useful tips for training and weight loss

useful tips for training and weight loss
  • Eat eggs for breakfast. Eating eggs in the morning has many beneficial properties, one of which is faster weight loss. If you replace the bread that many people eat for breakfast with eggs, you will lose more calories and fat before that day and will be better satiated.
  • Drink coffee (preferably black). Coffee contains high levels of antioxidants and has many health benefits. The caffeine in a cup of coffee speeds up the metabolism by 3-11%. But sugar or other high-calorie ingredients should not be added to coffee, as it completely removes its benefits.
  • Remove hidden sugars from your diet. Sugar is one of the most harmful ingredients in the current human diet. Many people consume too much sugar. Studies have shown that both sugar and fructose syrup are associated with a high risk of obesity, as well as diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases. If you want to lose weight, remove sugar from your diet. Pay attention to the labeling on the packaging, even so-called "healthy" food can contain a lot of sugar.
  • Eat fewer processed carbs. Refined or processed carbohydrates are found in pasta and white bread. These carbohydrates are usually made from grains that have been removed from all other nutrients, such as protein and fat. These types of carbohydrates cause increases in insulin levels. Increased insulin stimulates hunger and the desire to eat something sweet. Refined carbohydrates are closely linked to obesity. If you are going to eat carbohydrates, eat them whole, with natural fiber.
  • Adjust dosage. Dosage control or calorie counting is very helpful. Counting the calories in each meal will help you to lose weight. Anything that lets you know more about your food will be helpful.
  • Eat more protein. Protein is the most important thing for weight loss. Eating protein-rich foods speeds up your metabolism and allows you to burn 100 more calories a day. At the same time, the food itself contains 400 fewer calories than you would normally consume. You will also lose the desire to eat at night and the desire for sweets.
  • Add whey protein to your diet. If you have difficulty adding enough protein to your diet, start taking protein powder to get enough protein.
  • Eat "real" food. If you want to be a healthy person, you have to completely switch to a diet with whole foods. These foods fill you up, it is difficult to eat too much and it is very difficult to gain weight on such a diet if most of the food is unprocessed.

Daily diet example

useful menu example
  • Breakfast: 2 slices wholemeal toast + 2 hard-boiled eggs + hot sauce (optional)
  • Snack: 1 cup berries, blueberries for example + a handful of nuts;
  • Lunch: 100 g salmon + avocado + 1 wholemeal bread + 1 glass of vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: broccoli and cauliflower + 2 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt;
  • Dinner: 130 g lean steak + boiled carrots + Brussels sprouts + 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • And at night (possible for an hour) 150 g of cottage cheese (of course without sugar).

What else can you do to lose weight faster?


Doing cardio is a great way to burn calories and improve your physical and mental health. Cardio is particularly effective in removing belly fat, unhealthy fat that accumulates around organs and causes disease.

strength training

This will speed up your metabolism and prevent you from losing muscle mass. Of course, it is important to lose fat, but also to gain muscle. Therefore, strength training is essential.

Great intense interval training

By not spending a lot of time exercising, you will speed up your metabolism, increase your endurance and burn more calories.

The beam develops a sense of balance and trains willpower and character. Standing in it every day for a few seconds longer and does not allow himself to give up, builds your character and becomes stronger. Maybe this exercise will be the beginning of a beautiful, athletic body that you will be proud of.